The definition and provision of Umrah:
Umrah, dictionary definition; a visitation. Islamic terminology; to visit Baiytullah, and to perform sa’e between the Safa and Marwa
Umrah can be performed at any period of time, except for the days of Arafah and Eid al-Fitr (5 days). It consists of ihram and shaving the hair (tahleeq) and shortening the hair (takseer).
Compulsary acts of Umrah (Fard)
-Being in state of ihram
Obligations of Umrah (wajeeb)
-Sa’ee ( it is rukn/pillar for other madhabs).
-Shaving or shortening hair. (According to Hanafi this is wajeeb and for Hanbaly it is the rukn/pillar).
Performing Umrah once in one’s life is sunnah al muakkadah for the Hanafi and Maliki sect and it is wajeeb for Shafi and Hanbali sect.
Location of Umrah:
For those who come from outside of Makkah al-Mukarramah it starts from the miqat sites for Hajj. For those who stay in Makkah (either local or visitors) the starting point for Umrah is the place called Hill. They go out of the haram zone to start their Umrah (Taneem, Hudaybiyah, Jîrâne).
It is a sacred state that includes niyyah and talbiyah. The niyyah must be done accordingly for Hajj, Umrah or Hajj qiran which combines hajj and umrah and the two piece special garment (rida, izar) which man wears to enter the sacred state is called Ihram (women wear their daily clothes). Entering Ihram to perform Hajj or Umrah turns some mubah acts into Haram acts. Virtues of being in the state of Ihram: Leaving behind the earthly cloth, thinking about life, death, resurrection and the Day of Judgment to be able to cleanse himself and gain rewards from Hz. Allah to enlighten his heart (Fuyudat Al- Ilahiyyah). The Hajj and Umrah cannot be performed without being in the state of Ihram.
1- Intention for Ihram
2- Reciting talbiyah or doing dhikr.
The Messenger of Allah said: When a Muslim recites talbiyah then every stone, tree and even the hard ground (pointing to his left and right)towards this and that direction all recite the talbiyah with him until the last point of the earth. (At-Tirmidhi, Hajj, 14/828)
1- Not crossing the miqat border (stated places where you can enter ihram) without the state of Ihram
2- Following the restrictions (haram) of Ihram
1- Cutting nails, removing unwanted hair (armpit and pubic) and applying pleasant fragrance.
2- Having a purification bath (ghusl) or taking wudhu.
3- Covering themselves with izar and rida for men.
4- To pray two rakats of ihram salah if it is not karahat time(forbidden time to pray salah)
5- To recite talbiyah during the state of ihram in every opportunity
6- To repeat talbiyah three times.
7- Reciting tashriq takber, salawat-e- shareefa, making duaa and begging Hz Allah after Talbiyah.
1. Before ghusl to have the intention of ihram
2. To wear white, new or freshly washed ihram
3. To wear a type of clogs or something similar
4. To use miswaq.
5. To comb hair
6. Trimming the moustache according to Sunnah.
1. To give blood
2. To itch your body or your head without pulling any hair
3. To have a bath with scentless soap
4. To take refuge from the Sun under a tree, a house, a tent or carry an umbrella without touching your head
5. To wear a belt, a ring, a watch, to be armed, to put scentless kohl on
6. To wear sandals which leave your heels and top of your feet bare
7. To have your tooth taken out, to have an injection
8. To carry a coat or a blazer on your shoulders without wearing it properly.
9. To cover your body with a duvet, a blanket or with any type of cloth avoiding your head and face.